Since 1976, Neighbors Along the Line (NATL) has been working to provide a comprehensive range of social services to alleviate poverty in Northwest Tulsa.

Through a variety of programs and in collaboration with other human services agencies and organizations, NATL helps low-income residents counteract hunger and food insecurity, access medical and dental services, pursue their educational goals, secure and retain employment, obtain utility bill payment subsidies, and engage in personal, family, and community development opportunities to build and achieve individual and family self-sufficiency.


The Forgotten Part of Tulsa

NATL primarily serves residents of Northwest Tulsa from its community center in the Charles Page neighborhood. Many residents refer to this area as “the forgotten part of Tulsa,” as it is often the first area to lose service when social programs are cut.

According to the most recent data from the Census Bureau (2018) and the USDA (2017), NATL’s primary service area faces severe levels of poverty, food insecurity, unemployment, low educational attainment, and uninsurance relative to Tulsa County averages.

The coronavirus pandemic is exacerbating the challenges facing those living in poverty, making the need for more social services increasingly vital.

Northwest Tulsans face multi-faceted and mutually reinforcing challenges.
More social services are needed to help break down barriers to self-sufficiency.


Responding to Emerging Challenges

As the coronavirus pandemic and the resulting economic and public health crises are increasing the need for social services in Northwest Tulsa, we are responding to these challenges. While we are dedicated to meeting the growing need for assistance, our efforts to promote the self-sufficiency of our neighbors is limited by a lack of funds.

As we seek new opportunities within our core programs, we are calling upon community leaders from the private, government, and philanthropic sectors to act and become engaged in solving our community issues together.