Utility Assistance
We are able to provide some financial assistance with gas and electric bills for those in our immediate service area of 74127 South of Edison. You must have a cutoff notice and bill for the current month. Please call (918) 584-1111 to set up an appointment.
Holiday Assistance
Thanksgiving Dinners
We are happy to help our neighbors by providing a plate dinner on Thanksgiving Day to those who have signed up. Sign-up typically begins at the beginning of November. Please call for more information.
Christmas Assistance
Christmas assistance is currently only available to residents in our primary service area. During the Christmas season, we support families through two activities:
- Family Adoption – Space is VERY limited and restricted to families with children UNDER 18 years of age.
- Gift Room – At our Gift Room, you can choose a gift and stocking stuffers for your children. The Gift Room opens in December.
These services are always by appointment only. Call us at (918) 584-1111 for specific sign-up dates and information.
School Supplies Assistance
We provide assistance with school supplies to client who sign up during the back-to-school season. Call us at (918) 584-1111 for specific sign-up dates and information.
Life Skills Classes
We offer Life Skills classes to our neighbors, covering topics from Budgeting to Nutrition. Contact us for more information. Currently no classes available. Please check back for updates.
Legal Aid
We provide legal assistance on the 2nd & 4th Mondays of each month from 1:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Call us to make an appointment. Currently no legal aid available. Please check back for updates.
Narcotics Anonymous
Because we recognize that substance abuse issues can affect the entire family, we would like to highlight that we offer Narcotics Anonymous meetings as part of our Health and Wellness program. Narcotics Anonymous meets every Monday evening from 5:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Care Coordination

If you do not qualify for our services, please click the link below for additional resources.